Over the past year, many of our lives have felt anything but calm. Since the pandemic began, our world seems a very different place to the one we used to know. Keeping our distance from loved ones, many parents home schooling and various lockdowns has taken its toll.
I thought I would share a few ideas with you that really help me when it all feels a little overwhelming.
Get a pretty notebook and just write down how you’re really feeling. This book is just for you, be honest and get it all out of your head. I promise, you’ll feel so much better. Even if you are thinking now, I have no idea what to write, it’s amazing how much can come flooding out when you start.
I don’t know about you, but my mind always feels so busy at night. I’ve started to listen to meditation music which has really helped. There are so many on YouTube that just help calm your thoughts.
Self Care…
This is so important and something many of us often neglect. For me, it’s lighting my candles and wax melts, applying a sheet mask and just having some quiet time. For you it may be 20 minute bath or a walk outside by yourself, whatever it is that makes your heart happy, do it!
I hope these ideas have helped and maybe given you some food for thought. I’d love to know how you get on, so feel free to let me know by leaving a comment below…x
Until next time, stay safe and look after you!
Love, Nina x